Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas crafts!

Gosh - it's been forever since I've posted....and probably longer than that since I've created.  I just can't seem to find the time.  Lately, I've made myself find the time.  I have so many great ideas saved as favorites on StumbleUpon that I need to get working on something!

My first glance of this craft was on this website.  I loved how the wreath looked with all of the paper roses on beautiful.  I had some old books recycled to me but try as I might, I can't get those darn flowers to look just right.  A while back, I received an email in my inbox from this website that I subscribe to.  The roses on this one are made with felt and though she made hers orange for Halloween, I instantly thought of how nice this would look in red for Christmas.  Off I went to the dollar store in search of felt and to Michael's in search of grape vine wreaths.  Truth be told....I looked at about 5 different stores before I broke down and headed to the craft store to find the wreaths.  All told, this project took me about 4 hours and approximately $12 to make.  Felt from the dollar store for a project like this is no different than felt from a craft store and costs less - about $8.75 total to make all the roses - Michael's had a fantastic deal on their wreaths - only $3.25 and the ribbon that I bought was 70% off plus I had a 25% off your entire order coupon on top!! 

I was so very happy with how this project turned out.  I also made a few cute items with the roses - a headband and some matching barrettes and I've been commissioned by the little girl who was the recipient of the headband to make a few different coloured ones - haha!  I bought 3 of the wreath forms from Michael's so now I'm working on one in white!  I'll post pictures when it's done.  Thanks for visiting!


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